Gyms in Germany
People ask me a lot about the gyms and fitness centers in Germany..I am no expert but I am biased in thinking gyms in Germany are less fun than those in the states.
How do y’all feel about this statement?
P.s thanks Kaight in Austria for the video topic request
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Halli hAloha, I’m Aspen! ?
I make videos about my new home in Germany
and share what I learn in my Expat life here
Postfach 14 03 51
80453 München
auweia, handys sind numal die moderne tehchologie, aber ich sitz da noch hinter linux ubuntu, sowohl zu Hause als auch in meiner Wohung.
Wow, I'm obviously going to an american gym in Germany.
Well, at least one thing is the same, no matter here or over there, if you go to a gym: You go there to show off, not to work out. Even if the German kind of showing off means: GGrrrrrrruuunntttt.
arw I love your content Aspen <3
I paused your video after you moved to the sound of "Physical", one of my favorite 1980s (I think so) songs, and I wonder why you bother going to a gym. I'm a slim guy, and I know some jiu-jitsu moves I learned from a (female) friend, but there's other martial arts you could try. I was overwhelmed by judo, I landed on the mat every single time, that was disencouraging, but I tried a bit of kung-fu, that was better, but maybe just because the teacher was also kind of a philosopher.
Probably I lack the endurance it needs for going to a gym regularly, so I let all my subscriptions expire somewhen.
And while talking about that, people in Germany be WARNED: Read the fineprint. Some subscriptions get prolonged automatically, so NEVER give them your bank account data, insist on paying cash instead.
Did you ever made a reaction video to music? I would love to see your face when you watch this for the first time
Nice Video.
Beat Saber is a fun exercise!
I’m sorry, but
We do have Gyms with pools. And I think you don’t get a gym like mcfit for just 20$ in the States. I have been to so many gyms in the US in different cities due to my job and you don’t get the standard as in Germany. I couldn’t even find one which is open 24/7. Do you know one? You pay a lot for a fancy gym like Equinox and all you get is potential business partners, because they like to meet there. I completely agree with the classes. Much more fun in the US. I even had better classes in Beijing and more options.
Check out Evolve Fitness – their clientele are mainly expats/internationals. It's a community and everyone there is friendly. You can tell the vibe there is very different from the other German gyms in Munich.
I know that some Gyms (Fitness First and Body & Soud) in Munich do have indoor pools. Their memberships are usually more expensive though.
Germans traditionally don't do gyms. Since the 1900s. They do clubs (Vereine). Gyms are an American concept.
i like how open you are
So true
you like to show your legs don't you? ?
And you made a nation wide test of gyms? just googled "Fitnessstudio mit Schwimmbad" , Millions of hits. As i always say" Bavaria is not Germany "
If you want a pool you have to visit one of the public indoor pools. Europe just tends to split those things up. Cute outfit btw.
First thought regarding that statement:
Since when is the gym supposed to be fun?
Im from London and just moved to Munich. Your videos are great.
Das Fitnessstudio ist heute wirklich sehr beliebt, allerdings darf man nie vergessen, dass die Kraft der Muskeln begrenzt, die Kraft des Geistes jedoch unendlich ist.
I think Germany's/Europe's gym culture also comes from lack of space. People in the states wear their gym clothes to the gym because they drive to their gyms. There aren't huge gyms because cities can't accommodate them. Instead of having all inclusive massive fitness centers, Europe has pools to go to if you want to swim, studios for yoga, cycling clubs, etc. Everything is segmented into its own little Verein. Obviously that exists in the states too, but like, we have 100000 options for everything, so it makes sense.
Perhaps I'm a bit old-fashioned, but I'd rather ride a bike through nature or rent a rowing boat, combining my workout with fresh air and sunshine. At those gym prices a normal bike is less than two months membership and you can also use it to get to and from work during the week.
I am in the states for a bit and it's so weird to me just people go in their gym clothes/shoes and don't even go to the locker room! It's so weird to me. Also I have noticed that gyms in Austria tend to have a smaller range of ages and that EVERYONE has Bluetooth headphones in Austria, which I haven't seen as much here (a lot of people at my Bougie YMCA work out without music)
As always a good video, I know a little more about Germany through you, lovely your smile. regards?
i think body&soul has a pool area (in one of their locations in munich at least). theyre expensive though.
also, in my gym (fitstar…) i see women wearing shorts all the time. believe me, i notice ?
You don't want to be a Spinner in Germany.
A funny link about shorts;
Aspen, since you love wording fails.. my girldfriend saw a squirrel last week and asked me: "Wie heißt das?"
Ich: Eichhörnchen
Sie: Ah, ein süsses Eichhähnchen
Ich: Nein, nicht Hähnchen… Hähnchen heißt Chicken. Hööööörnchen mit Ö
Sie: Achsö
Hi. Probier mal die haben auch Pools. Schöne Grüße vom Chiemsee