The Awkward Gym Experience
Have you ever felt awkward going to the gym?! No matter how many times I go, it’s often more of a mental than physical struggle for me. In this video, I shared the very basic steps that help me get started when I don’t feel like I can.
One of the tricks if finding what you LOVE! I’m a certified kickboxing instructor, which came about after a year and a half of realizing how obsessed I am with punching bags, haha. Before that, I tried tumbling, rock climbing, ballroom dancing, latin cardio, zumba and have even tried weight lifting. None of those are bad – and I still mix it up from time to time, but you have to set your personal goals and discover what physical activity(ies) will help you get there.
If you’re just getting started and need some tips, THIS IS HOW I GOT STARTED:
-Set a goal of 30 minutes minimum per gym visit
-Over a few weeks, try to move that goal to 45 minutes, and maybe even an hour
-Try to go to the gym at least 4 days a week.
-Press “go” and get moving! If you’re just getting started, the best speed may be somewhere between 2.5 and 3.5
-Walk at that pace for 10-15 minutes, then increase the speed by 0.5-1.0
-Go as long as you can, then return to your starting speed for 5-10 minutes. Do this as long as you can.
-Be sure to click “Cool down” at the end of your workout.
-You can also click “Plans” on most treadmills, and find a pre-planned workout.
-You might need to press “Go” or you can just start cycling.
-Try to keep a consistent pace, setting a goal for AT LEAST 30 minutes or 2 miles.
-If you can, increase the resistance to 4 or 5 for 5 minutes, decreasing it to 1 or 2 for 10 minutes. Continue doing this, increasing the resistance higher and higher each time.
–Be sure to click “Cool down” at the end of your workout or do 5 minutes when the resistance is on 0 or 1.
-You can also click “Plans” on some ellipticals and find a pre-planned workout.
F A N M A I L:
Team Jamie Grace
9663 Santa Monica Blvd #962
Beverly Hills, California
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DISCLAIMER: This video is NOT sponsored. This description may contain affiliate links, which mean that if you click on one of the product links and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission. This helps support my channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this. Thanks so much for the support!
hello Jamie I see that you put on some pounds since you been married but you look good with your weight I love you guy's
Oh man, Aaron in the background xD #DiedFromLaughter
I do the same thing on the bike all the time. ???
Yeah, I'm uncoordinated for sure. I mostly get nervous with people judging me– I mean, I know it's not that bad, but I've always kind of wanted to be super fit coming to the gym instead of… you know…
Oh yeah I go on the bike too. I try to watch shows but I never know what to watch lol
Never been to a gym, afraid of that awkwardness
God goals. Wait on him y’all
beautiful Jamie, getting prettier day after day
love from Nigeria
love love Jamie, absolutely one of my favourites in life.
thank you Jesus
Thank you so much!!!!??
I love how she just dropped her phone and just left it there?
"I just want to stay alive" haha! ?
You go girl
I bet you one like you read this comment
Sister, you crack me up! When I feel awkward, I’m gonna think what would Jamie do cuz you make awkward look super cool! Not that you are super awkward…this is suppose to be a compliment…I know you get what I’m tryna say, lol
love the socks
love you Jamieee, great tips!!

I went to a tiny hotel gym once… Popped in my MP3 player, was rocking out on the treadmill to Britt Nicole. I noticed a man behind me reading a book while on the bike, so I figured he wouldn't notice my zaniness (yes, I danced, ran, and did sign language – at a slower pace- on the treadmill)… A few days later I got on the elevator and that man asked what I was listening to, cuz if it was that good he wanted it too …. A month later he informed me he had gotten it, loved it and shared it with his family…. (I lived in the hotel for a few months)
That was my most random gym interactions, but still in the end, instead of embarrassed I chose to see it as enriching both of us… Doing all for HIS glory.
"I can't do that cause I'm not that physically coordinated, so don't do that one or you might die!" ???
Yes I felt that way too
Yes don't worry about it.
One of the tricks is finding what you LOVE! I'm a certified kickboxing instructor, which came about after a year and a half of realizing how obsessed I am with punching bags, haha. Before that, I tried tumbling, rock climbing, ballroom dancing, latin cardio, zumba and have even tried weight lifting.
None of those are bad – and I still mix it up from time to time, but you have to set your personal goals and discover what physical activity(ies) will help you get there.